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Code Information Site for builders, designers and code officials
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Building designers, builders, code officials, facility managers and homeowners have a reason to SMILE!
The updated site for "World of Building Codes" is now providing:
1. Building codes information and numerous links for building designers, code officials, facility managers and builders nationwide- updated daily! See how the new International Building and Residential Codes will affect YOU.
2. Ability to SEARCH the entire World of Building Codes from ONE search box. That will give you thousands of resources targeted to codes and construction ONLY. No fluff and confusing additional material. All our resources, links and knowledge base is there for the taking.
3. LIVE help regarding the World of Building Codes web site, CodeBuddy software products or building codes questions in general. Now you can reach us in real time! Click on the first page icon stating "Questions? Click for LIVE help"...and you will be connected to us instantly.
4. The Building Code Discussions Group is the largest, most active and respected forum to get your code questions answered by experts in the field. Over 2100 members and over 10,000 visitors so far! This is a unique forum that is monitored and administered daily by building code engineers. So builders, designers, home owners and code officials.......ASK AWAY! Did I mention its a FREE service for the end user!
5. The NCSBCS award-winning CodeBuddy building code software information is at your finger tips. Nationwide users are getting more familiar with the codes and applying by using this innovative software. Builders, homeowners, code officials and anyone needing code information LOVE the ease and power of this affordable and graphical software. Used in offices and in the field nationwide.
6. Soon to come.....a powerful extranet loaded with information to help the design, build, and code enforcement personnel.
All this and more can be found at: http://www.cmapc.com